Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, everyone just left to go home from small group - we had it at our house tonight - ate some good food and played some games. We played Battle of the Sexes...I've never played it before - it was really fun. We also played Mad's alot of fun too! We have such a great small group!

It's been a long day today. Lots of cleaning around the house, grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, I'm ready to call it a day...but not ready for the work week to be a few hours away. I will be starting off the week in pulmonology. Hopefully it'll be a good week.

Dave's watching the 250F's motocross race right now...the 450's were supposed to be on today at 11, but the 700 Club was wasn't happy around here. At least there's a race on now.

Well, there's two weeks left until Jill's wedding. I'm so happy for her, but at the same time, I know our girl time will greatly be diminished. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being married, but I also miss my girl time! Cody is up in Nebraska, Sara is in Illinois, Jill will be in McPherson (basically)...I guess that's part of growing up. I remember back 3 or 4 years ago, Cody and Sara and I were talking about making plans to take a roadtrip to Nashville...just for the heck of it! Well, plans changed...Cody had her baby boy Lane, Sara moved from Iowa to Illinois, I got married...LIFE HAPPENED. But it's been good!

Well, this blogging thing is fun. It's nice to get my thoughts's a good kind of release. I guess we have a chance for more snow flurries tonight. It was snowing a bit today...the snow is beautiful, but kind of a pain too. I love our house in the country, but the dirt road gets old really quick after a snow...or rain...

Well, I guess I'll call it a night on here. It's been a good day. Andy's sermon this week was on faith - and how a tree is recognized by its fruit. A good tree produces good fruit, just as a bad tree produces bad fruit. The point of the lesson is that we need to make Jesus our LORD. This has really been on my mind and my heart. I want people to see the fruit that my life produces! I want it to be good, positive fruit that makes a difference. I've been so worried lately about how I DON'T want my life to be, and I haven't concentrated on how I DO want it to be! I want my life to be all for the glory of God...I want to use my time and talents to please priorities have been focused.

Have a great night!


After looking at my friend Cody's blog, I realize I'm such a slacker! I really wanted to make a good blog to keep my friends and family updated on what's been going on in the life of the Clark's.

It's Sunday, January 31 and I'm glad we're home. We went to church last night, and this morning, there's freezing fog outside...on top of the 4 inches of snow we have. It's nice to be at home, warm inside...Dave's still sleeping, and I'm watching Guy's Big Bite on Food Network. I've been taking pictures of the cats this morning...they've been wrestling around and jumping on each other. They're such good, FREE entertainment!

Tonight, we're hosting small group at our house and we're having a game night! It should be fun. Traci in our small group was talking about "Spicy Farkle" a few weeks ago. I played the original Farkle back in high school, but that was at least ten years ago...I'm hoping she brings it tonight.

Well, my birthday is coming up this week, I can't believe I've been around for 27 years! Crazy! God has truly blessed all of those years...and I'm so glad I finally have a husband to spend the rest of my life with!